Useful Links
The text book we use as the basis of our classroom program is:
Drive Right: You are the Driver
by Owen Crabb.
This text is available for purchase through Pearson Education or Amazon.
There is a terrific CD available for students who feel they would like more preparation for the written test at the DMV. You can purchase from Prentice Hall the Go Driver CD which, in addition to other features, has actual test questions directly from the CT DMV test. There are practice tests that can provide approximately 200 different questions that may be on the written test. If a student answers incorrectly, the test refers them to the page in the CT Driver Manual where the information is given.
Also recommended:
- The Complete Driver
by Clarence Beedle - Safe Young Drivers: A Guide for Parents and Teens
by Phil Berardelli - The Driving Challenge: Dare to Be Safer and Happier on the Road
by Phil Berardelli
- CT DMV HOME PAGE – Visit website
- CT DMV PRACTICE TESTS – Visit website
- CT Teen Driving Safety – This video outlines laws and regulations for new drivers and is part of the parent class.